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Posted on Oct 29, 2012

BMM renews itself”

BMM Compliance moved to a new headquarters four times larger to keep developing in the same proportion as their rapid growth.


The new building is much more spacious and comfortable for everyone. It was conceived with a revolutionary work concept.

Martin Storm, CEO of BMM and music lover, makes an analogy between an artist’s performance and the performance we all should have at work.

The accelerated growth of BMM should inevitably be accompanied with a change in its global headquarters. It needed a new center of operations, with a wider amplitude to house their new collaborators and the new last generation equipment of the industry. The company expanded its operations and its infrastructure should do it proportionally.

Because of that, after a great effort of coordination, recently BMM laboratories and offices abandoned the sreets of South Easern Avenue to get installed in the 815 de Pilot Road in Las Vegas, where a location with 4 times the previous area awaited them.


Not even a quarter of a year has passed since then but the team is already used to and happy with the new building, comments Wendy Anderson, BMM’s Vice President of marketing, when she welcomes us with a friendly smile at he entrance of the new stronghold.

The reason why everyone likes this new headquarters is because it is very spacious and comfortable for everyone. It was conceived with a new laboral concept, where staff welfare and motivation is the escencial part that assures a good performance.

Motivation is expressed even on the walls. That is why as soon as we enter the building, a huge picture of a rock band pouring all its energy on an scenario surprises us. They are the musicians of Pearl Jam that serve as inspiration to the BMM team. Later will be found pictures of Queen, Led Zeppelin, and AC/DC within the facilities.

“Our global president and CEO, Martin Storm, is a music lover and that is why he makes an analogy between an artist’s performance in an scenario and the performance we should have at work. That is what we want to show as a source of inspiration”, explains Wendy Anderson as she points towards the image.


Then we enter through the executive area, from which all processes and numbers of the company are managed. Within it, it is installed the BMM International section, which takes care of the finantial side within a global scale, and the BMM Americas section, which develops this region that is gaining strength within the company’s objectives.

Following the tour, within the same floor, it can be observed the areas of Business Development; Service Delivery, where the group managers meet; Technical Compliance, and Legal Compliance, where the company specialists gather to oversee operation licensing matters.

Then we enter to a cafeteria, conceived as a scattering area which has what one could find at home: a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a microwave oven, a TV screen. The intention is for it to be an area for all workers to relax and recharge their energies when they think it is necessary.

“The idea is to make the place a little brighter and comfortable. For that purpose we have put graphics and certain designs so people can relax and leave behind the formalities associated to an enterprise”, comments Anderson.


When we continue the tour, we arrive to a more spacious room, with many slot machines. This is BMM’s laboratory, where diferent clusters of machines  grouped by clients were being tested under the supervision of specialized engineers.

Next to this great hall it is located the systems area, where the system’s from the main companies in the world are evaluated. For this, they use many servers linked, by means of many conections, to the gaming devices. Wendy Anderson explains us that all of this is used to test interoperability with the slot machines.

“In United States interoperability is very important. Because of this, here we can test any of our client’s machines with different systems to verify if they effectively work with each of them”, she adds.

Finally, we visit a room destined for education, where BMM focus its efforts on training and coaching regulators as well as their own staff. Moreover, it was designed with the necessary technology to make videoconferences and then reach more people.

Without any doubt, the new BMM headquarters will allow to keep company growth and expansion in a global level. For instance, it is expected that the enterprise will hire 100 new specialists within the next two years.